World-Class Cast
FlexiOH, a revolutionary orthopedic immobilizer by OrthoHeal.

Short Leg Immobilizer
Absolute washable orthopedic Immobilizer for lower extremity fractures and soft tissue injury.
- Lower leg fractures around ankle
- Fractures of foot bone
- Severe ankle sprains and strains or fractures.
- Immobilize leg or foot muscles and tendons in place after surgery to allow healing.

Radial Gutter Immobilizer
bsolute washable orthopedic Immobilizer for immobilization at meta-carpals and phalanges of the index and middle finger, leave the thumb, ring and pinky finger freely mobile.
- Distal Radius Fracture with/without Metacarpal Fracture
- Non-displaced second or third Metacarpal Fractures
- Non-displaced second or third Proximal Phalanx Fracture

Thumb Spica Immobilizer
Absolute washable orthopedic Immobilizer
for immobilization of thumb.
- Scaphoid fracture – seen or suspected
- De Quervain tenosynovitis / other ligamentous or soft tissue injuries to the thumb.
- Non-angulated, non-displaced, extra-articular fractures at the base of the first metacarpal

Short Arm Immobilizer
Absolute washable orthopedic Immobilizer for immobilization of wrist joint and closed fractures at radius-ulna.
- Non-displaced /Stable /minimally displaced /Buckle fracture of distal radius fracture
- Carpal bone fracture other than Scaphoid /Trapezium
- As a removable splint during rehabilitation